Alan Keane & Co includes qualified accountants with over 20 years’ accounting experience between them. This allows us to provide a full range of outsourced financial control services.
Our outsourced financial control services range from the production of simple quarterly management information to a full monthly reporting package including management accounts, profit & loss, balance sheet and cashflow projections, analysis of fees rendered and recovered, and capital and current accounts.
Typically, our outsourced financial control services include some, or all, of the following:-
- Monthly or quarterly management information produced within a few days of the period end
- Annual budgets and cashflow projections
- Monitoring actual results against those budgets and projections
- Preparing projections to assist with funding applications
- Fee analysis reports
- Monitoring capital and current accounts
- Meeting with partners to discuss results and interpret figures
- Year end accounts preparation
Advice in respect of VAT, employee benefits, employee bonuses, Form 11’s etc.
We have developed a standard reporting package that meets the requirements of the banks’ annual review, and work closely with our clients’ accountants to produce information to assist with year end tax returns.
Start Ups
We have wide experience with start up legal firms and can guide clients through the process. This includes selecting legal software, preparing budgets and projections for banks, and registering new firms for VAT and PAYE.
Growing Businesses
Demand on current resources may be holding you back. You may have reached the stage where you need outsourced financial control services but can’t justify employing a full-time accountant. We can help clients to grow by providing the necessary time, commitment and expertise.